Jilin High-tech Zone on the declaration of incentive funds for encouraging industrial enterprises and service enterprises to increase production and expand production in the first quarter of 2024

来源:   时间: 2024-04-19 09:17

Industrial enterprises and service enterprises above designated size in the area:

  按照《Jilin High-tech Zone on cultivating and expanding the real economy to support the high-quality development of enterprises20Strip schemeThe provisions ofPresent declaration2024Incentives for industrial and service enterprises to increase production and expand production in the first quarterNotice of relevant matters is as follows:

  1. Declaration requirements

  First, the principal responsibility must be fulfilled。Each reporting enterprise shall ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the data provided and retain the relevant procedures and materials for easy verification. If fraud is found, all responsibilities arising shall be borne by the enterprise itself。

  The second is to ensure the quality of materials。All materials have a uniform cover and are bound in four copies。

  2. Declaration time and contact person

  Deadline for filing2024425The deadline for filing will not be accepted。

  Contact person and telephone: Cao Hailan, Liu Huanyu 64798051


  1.High-tech zone2024The first quarter of the year to encourage industrial enterprises to increase production and expand production incentive fund award supplement declaration

  2.Basic information of enterprises

  3.Enterprise material authenticity commitment

Jilin high-tech zone development, industry and information Bureau

April 19, 2024


Can download the attachment: High-tech zone in the first quarter of 2024 to encourage enterprises to increase production and expand production incentive fund award supplement declaration.docx